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This website was created as a part of ERG581 - Energy Innovation Projects, a senior projects course for Creighton University's Energy Technology Program. It's goal is to inspire women to study the sciences, and to specifically promote a focus on Creighton's Energy Technology Program.


All work contained within this page is student developed.


If you are interested in Creighton University please look for more information on their website by clicking here.

If you are interested in Creighton University's Energy Technology Program please look for more information by clicking here.


Ala'a Rayyan


Ala'a Rayyan is a senior majoring in Energy Science with a minor in Mathematics at Creighton University. She plans to attend graduate school to pursue sustainable architecture and urban design to help implement renewable technology and energy efficiency in current and future designs. She hopes to use her skills and knowledge from the Energy Technology Program to make sure her designs benefit the local community.

Karen Sass


Karen Sass is a senior Energy Technology and Applied Physical Analysis Major with a Mathematics Minor at Creighton University. She hopes to one day become an energy consultant and help home owners and businesses alike find ways to use the buildings they have in the most energy and cost efficient ways as possible. 

Stasha Thomas


Stasha Thomas is a senior Energy Science major in the Energy Technology

Program, as well as Mathematics minor, at Creighton University. With
her education at Creighton paving the way, she dreams to someday work in

sustainable architecture with Walt Disney Imagineering. She is passionate about design and enjoys sketching, painting, and
any form of art in general. She uses her skill to design structures in hopes
that they become reality - and is especially ecstatic when these designs have the probability of benefiting people and the environment.


Ready to leave a mark? Visit Creighton!

Creighton University:


Energy Technology Director, Larry Hopp:


2500 California Plaza

Omaha, NE 68131


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